track Elk1_0004_vs_Ets1_0005 bigDataUrl shortLabel Elk1 vs. Ets1 longLabel Binding site preferences of Elk1(Red) vs. Ets1(Blue); iMADS models 0004 and 0005 type bigBed 9 . visibility dense priority 20 spectrum off itemRgb on track Elk1_0004_vs_Gabpa_0006 bigDataUrl shortLabel Elk1 vs. Gabpa longLabel Binding site preferences of Elk1(Red) vs. Gabpa(Blue); iMADS models 0004 and 0006 type bigBed 9 . visibility dense priority 20 spectrum off itemRgb on track Ets1_0005_vs_Gabpa_0006 bigDataUrl shortLabel Ets1 vs. Gabpa longLabel Binding site preferences of Ets1(Red) vs. Gabpa(Blue); iMADS models 0005 and 0006 type bigBed 9 . visibility dense priority 20 spectrum off itemRgb on track E2f1_0007_vs_E2f4_0009 bigDataUrl shortLabel E2f1 vs. E2f4 longLabel Binding site preferences of E2f1(Red) vs. E2f4(Blue); iMADS models 0007 and 0009 type bigBed 9 . visibility dense priority 20 spectrum off itemRgb on track E2f1_0007_vs_E2f3_0008 bigDataUrl shortLabel E2f1 vs. E2f3 longLabel Binding site preferences of E2f1(Red) vs. E2f3(Blue); iMADS models 0007 and 0008 type bigBed 9 . visibility dense priority 20 spectrum off itemRgb on track E2f3_0008_vs_E2f4_0009 bigDataUrl shortLabel E2f3 vs. E2f4 longLabel Binding site preferences of E2f3(Red) vs. E2f4(Blue); iMADS models 0008 and 0009 type bigBed 9 . visibility dense priority 20 spectrum off itemRgb on track Mad1_0002_vs_c-Myc_0001 bigDataUrl shortLabel Mad1 vs. c-Myc longLabel Binding site preferences of Mad1(Red) vs. c-Myc(Blue); iMADS models 0002 and 0001 type bigBed 9 . visibility dense priority 20 spectrum off itemRgb on track Mad1_0002_vs_Max_0003 bigDataUrl shortLabel Mad1 vs. Max longLabel Binding site preferences of Mad1(Red) vs. Max(Blue); iMADS models 0002 and 0003 type bigBed 9 . visibility dense priority 20 spectrum off itemRgb on track Max_0003_vs_c-Myc_0001 bigDataUrl shortLabel Max vs. c-Myc longLabel Binding site preferences of Max(Red) vs. c-Myc(Blue); iMADS models 0003 and 0001 type bigBed 9 . visibility dense priority 20 spectrum off itemRgb on track Runx1_0010_vs_Runx2_0011 bigDataUrl shortLabel Runx1 vs. Runx2 longLabel Binding site preferences of Runx1(Red) vs. Runx2(Blue); iMADS models 0010 and 0011 type bigBed 9 . visibility dense priority 20 spectrum off itemRgb on